Throw walnuts into boiling water, the ingenious trick that hardly anyone knows | You can’t live without it!

If you’ve ever struggled with the task of peeling walnuts, you’re not alone. The choice between shelled and in-shell walnuts adds another layer of complexity. In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional benefits of walnuts, the debate between shelled and in-shell options, and three ingenious methods to effortlessly peel walnuts.

Why Choose In-shell Walnuts?

The market offers both pre-shelled and in-shell walnuts, leaving consumers in a dilemma. Nutritionists often recommend the latter, citing the protective nature of the shell for key nutrients like Omega-3. However, shelled walnuts remain a balanced option for those seeking immediate consumption without compromising on health benefits.

The Challenge: Peeling In-shell Walnuts

Peeling in-shell walnuts may seem like a daunting task, but fear not. We have three foolproof tricks up our sleeves, each offering a quick and easy solution to this nutty challenge.

The Boiling Water Method:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Boil water in a pot.
  2. Add walnuts once the water is boiling.
  3. Wait a minute, turn off the heat, and drain the nuts.
  4. Let them cool before cracking them open with a nutcracker.

The Microwave Technique:

For those seeking a quicker solution, the microwave technique comes to the rescue.

  1. Place walnuts in a container with water
  2. Microwave until the water boils
  3. Last, peel them with ease once cooled.

It’s a convenient method without compromising on efficiency.

Traditional Oven Approach:

If you prefer the oven, we’ve got you covered.

  1. Preheat it to 180°C
  2. Place walnuts on a baking sheet, and let them sit for at least 5 minutes.

The shells become slightly hard, making them easier to peel. This straightforward approach adds a touch of versatility to your walnut-peeling repertoire.

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