Rare Photos Of Hachiko Patiently Waiting For His Owner Have Surfaced And It’s Heartbreaking To See

It’s likely that you already know about the story Hachikō.

As a sign of love and loyalty that never ends, Hachikō became a cultural phenomenon and an icon not only in his home country of Japan but all over the world.

This pure-bred Akita was born on a farm in Date, Akita Prefecture, Japan, in the late fall of 1923. It is a golden brown color.

A professor named Hidesaburō Ueno took Hachikō in and raised him in Shibuya, Tokyo, the next year.

It was Hidesaburō Ueno’s job to teach agriculture at Tokyo Imperial University.

The man would take the train to work and then walk his dog home from work the next day.

The smart dog would leave the house every night to wait for his owner at Shibuya Station.

Hidesaburō Ueno then did not come back on May 21, 1925, which was very sad. He had a cerebral hemorrhage while making a speech and never made it back to the train station where Hachikō was waiting for him.

We can finally give you some rare pictures of the well-known Akita dog.

People from all over the world know Hachikō’s name.

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He was the most loyal dog in history.

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Hachikō would wait calmly for his owner at the same train station every day for the next nine years, nine months, and fifteen days. Every day at the same time, Hidesaburō Ueno’s train was supposed to arrive at the station.

Hachikō would still wait for his owner every day at the train stop after his owner died in 1925.

Image credits: unknown

Every day, Hachikō would go there at the same time that his owner got home from work.

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Of course, the people on the train noticed the cute dog right away.

A good number of them had seen Hidesaburō, the dog’s owner, walk home from that stop with their friend.

Before October 4, 1932, when the first article about Hachikō came out, not everyone was friendly.

After that, Hachikō became popular across the country, and people would often bring the famous dog food and treats.

Photos from the past from a number of publications from the time show the loving Akita.

It went on for almost ten years.

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In 1932, the loyal pet was the subject of the first story in a national newspaper.

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The writer of the piece used to study under Hidesaburō Ueno. At the station, the student saw an Akita dog and decided to follow Hachikō home to Kuzaboro Kobayashi, who used to work as the late professor’s gardener. This was for his thesis on the breed.

The student learned about Hachikō’s life from Kuzaboro and soon after, he or she released a detailed list of all the Akitas that lived in Japan. The study found that there were only 30 purebred Akitas left in Japan. Hachikō from Shibuya Station was one of them.

After that, everyone in the country knew about Hachiko

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People would bring Hachikō treats and pet him at Shibuya Station.

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According to the story, the former student went to Hachikō a lot and wrote several pieces about the dog and how loyal he was over the years. Soon, Hachikō was known all over the country.

People in Japan were truly moved and impressed by Hachikō’s unwavering love and devotion.

All over the country, Hachikō became the best model of how to be loyal to your family. Teachers and parents taught kids about him.

Children were shown how to be loyal by the dog that never stopped loving its owner.

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A national treasure was made out of Hachikō.

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In 1934, famous Japanese artist Teru Ando made a bronze statue of the loyal Akita Hachikō that will never die.

It was sad that it was used up for metal during WWII.

But in 1948, with the help of the sculptor’s son, a second figure of the loyal Akita was made and is still there.

The door to the station next to the statue is now called “Hachikō-guchi,” which means “The Hachikō Entrance/Exit.”

An obelisk made of metal was built for Hachikō in 1934.

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Sad to say, the good boy died a year later.

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Hachikō passed away on March 8, 1935, after ten years of waiting for his owner to come back. The kind dog was 11 years old at the time. Scientists didn’t finally figure out what killed Hachikō until 2011. It turns out that the good boy had terminal cancer and a filaria illness.

At the time, he was 11 years old.

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He was buried with his owner.

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When Hachikō died, his body was burned and his ashes were placed in Aoyama Cemetery in Minato, Tokyo.

The helpful friend was buried next to the grave of Professor Ueno, who loved and cared for him.

The good boy’s hair was kept safe and stuffed so that it can be seen all the time at the National Science Museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo.

His fur was stuffed so that it could stay at the National Science Museum of Japan for good.

Image credits: unknown

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