Peanut Butter Balls with Chocolate Rice Krispies

Are you ready to indulge in a delectable and irresistible treat that combines the goodness of peanut butter, the sweetness of honey, the crunch of Rice Krispies, and the delight of vegan chocolate chips? You’re in for a delightful journey as we guide you through the steps to create Peanut Butter Balls with Chocolate Rice Krispies. This easy recipe will satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more. Let’s get started!


1 cup of crunchy peanut butter
6 tablespoons of honey
1/8 teaspoon of salt
3 cups of Rice Krispies cereal
1 1/2 cups of vegan chocolate chips


1. Prepare Your Muffin Pan

Grab a muffin pan and line it with liners. Give them a light spray of non-stick spray to ensure your treats come out easily.

2. Melt the Peanut Butter Goodness

In a saucepan over low heat, melt together the peanut butter, honey, and salt. Keep stirring until everything is melted and well combined. You’ll start to smell the delicious aroma.

3. Mix in the Rice Krispies

Once the mixture is smooth and melted, take it off the heat. Now it’s time to add the Rice Krispies cereal. Stir it in until all the cereal is coated and mixed well. You want every bite to be packed with that peanut butter flavor.

4. Distribute the Mixture

Get your muffin pan ready and evenly distribute the mixture into the liners. Press it down firmly to make sure everything sticks together nicely. You don’t want any crumbly treats!

5. Melt the Chocolate Goodness

In another saucepan over low heat, melt those vegan chocolate chips. Keep stirring constantly until they’re perfectly melted and smooth. Be careful not to burn it!

6. Add the Chocolaty Drizzle

Spoon the melted chocolate over each treat in the muffin pan, making sure to distribute it smoothly and evenly. Get creative and make some swirls or patterns if you’re feeling fancy.

7. Chill in the Fridge

It’s time to chill out! Pop the muffin pan in the refrigerator and let the treats firm up. It won’t take too long, just enough time to build up your excitement.

8. Enjoy the Delight

Once they’re firm and ready to go, take them out of the fridge. Peel off the liners and get ready to indulge in these irresistible Peanut Butter Rice Krispies Treats. Share them with friends or keep them all to yourself – no judgment here!

9. Savor the Deliciousness

So, go ahead and treat yourself to these delectable goodies. They’re the perfect combination of sweet, crunchy, and chocolaty goodness that will satisfy your cravings in no time. Enjoy every bite and savor the deliciousness!

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