Don’t Touch These If You See Them on Your Plants

Do you spend a lot of time in your garden? Many people do, and it’s easy to see why. Growing plants is a fun and rewarding hobby. You plant seeds, water them, and watch them turn into beautiful flowers or tasty vegetables. But, sometimes, you find things on your plants that make you wonder, “What is that?”
It’s hard to know which bugs are good for your garden and which ones are bad. You might see something and think, “Oh no, this is going to ruin everything!” This happened to me recently. I saw a picture online that really surprised me.
The picture showed a leaf with tiny, black shapes all over it. They looked like little designs, almost like someone had drawn them. I thought, “Is this some kind of bug? Or is my plant sick?” Many people who saw the picture had the same question.

After looking into it, I found out that these little black shapes are actually eggs. They are the eggs of a butterfly called the Nymphalis Antiopa, or the Mourning Cloak butterfly. This butterfly is very interesting.
The Eggs of the Mourning Cloak Butterfly
Let’s talk about those eggs. They look like tiny pieces of black lace. They are very small and laid close together. When I first saw them, I wondered, “Are these eggs going to help my garden or hurt it?”
It turns out, the Mourning Cloak butterfly is mostly helpful. The baby butterflies, called caterpillars, do eat leaves. But they like to eat leaves from trees and bushes, like willows, elms, and poplars. If you have a garden with flowers and vegetables, you don’t have to worry too much. These butterflies also eat old, rotten fruit, which helps clean up your garden.

From Eggs to Beautiful Butterflies
It’s amazing to watch how these butterflies grow. First, the eggs hatch, and little caterpillars come out. They are black with white spots and have tiny spikes on their bodies. They grow bigger by shedding their skin a few times.
When they are big enough, they turn into a chrysalis. A chrysalis is like a little case where the caterpillar changes into a butterfly. This can take a few weeks or even months. When the butterfly comes out, it’s beautiful. It has dark wings with a yellow border and blue spots.
The Special Habits of Mourning Cloak Butterflies

One thing that makes these butterflies special is that they sleep during the winter. They find a safe place, like under tree bark or in a pile of wood. When spring comes, they are one of the first butterflies you will see. This is why they are called Mourning Cloaks. Their dark wings look like a dark coat against the early spring weather.
Many gardeners worry when they see caterpillars. They think, “They are going to eat all my plants!” But it’s good to remember that nature has a way of balancing things. The Mourning Cloak caterpillars will eat some leaves, but they won’t destroy your whole garden. Having these butterflies in your garden can actually help make it healthier.
What Should You Do?

If you see these eggs or caterpillars on your plants, you can leave them alone. Watch them grow and change. If you are worried, you can move the caterpillars to a tree or bush. They will be happy there.
Gardening is about finding a balance. It’s about living with the plants and animals that share your space. Next time you see something strange in your garden, take a moment to learn about it. You might find something wonderful, like the Mourning Cloak butterfly.

Every season in the garden brings new things to see and new things to learn. This is what makes gardening so enjoyable. It’s a journey of discovery.