Constipation? This is The Best Vegetable for The Job, According to Dieticians

Constipation is something almost everyone deals with at some point. Whether it’s due to diet, lack of exercise, or dehydration, struggling to have regular bowel movements can be frustrating. But there’s good news: your diet, especially the right vegetables, can help! Here’s what dietitians have to say about the best vegetable to get things moving.

Constipation and Fiber

man on a bed experiencing constipation

The Best Veggie for the Job – Green Peas

Green peas with the pod opened
Credit: Unsplash

If you’re looking for a natural remedy to relieve constipation, green peas are your answer. These tiny legumes are packed with fiber and nutrients, making them an ideal choice. A single cup of cooked green peas contains 9 grams of fiber, providing 32% of your daily recommended intake. Both insoluble and soluble fiber are found in peas, with insoluble fiber adding bulk to stool, speeding up digestion, and promoting more effortless bowel movements.

Hydration and Fluid Content

woman sitting and hydrating
Credit: Unsplash

In addition to fiber, staying hydrated is key to preventing constipation. Green peas not only provide fiber but are also made up of almost 80% water, according to the USDA. This high water content works in tandem with the fiber to soften stools and make them easier to pass. Dietitian Emily Maus emphasizes that hydration is critical to keeping your digestive system functioning smoothly.

Magnesium – The Secret Constipation Fighter

woman mid-run with constipation
Credit: Unsplash

Green peas are also rich in magnesium, a mineral that plays a role in easing constipation. Magnesium helps draw water into the intestines, which can soften stool and improve bowel movement frequency. A cup of green peas provides 15% of your daily magnesium needs, offering another reason why this veggie is the go-to choice for constipation relief.

How to Incorporate Green Peas Into Your Diet

green peas in a stir fry
Credit: Unsplash

Eating more green peas doesn’t have to be boring. You can enjoy them in various dishes, from soups to salads. Try incorporating more green peas into home recipes or simply toss them into a stir-fry for an extra fiber boost. The versatility of green peas makes them an easy addition to any meal.

Other Fiber-Rich Vegetables

small pile of broccoli
Credit: Unsplash

While green peas top the list for constipation relief, they aren’t the only veggies that can help. Broccoli, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts are also excellent choices. Broccoli provides almost 5 grams of fiber per cooked cup, and like green peas, it’s rich in magnesium.2 These fiber-packed vegetables support gut health and can keep things moving regularly.

Fiber, Fluids, & Magnesium: A Winning Combo

woman on the toilet

For those struggling with constipation, increasing fiber and hydration is essential. Green peas, with their rich fiber, water content, and magnesium, are the best vegetable to help relieve constipation. Incorporating them into your diet, along with other fiber-rich veggies, will promote regular bowel movements and improve your digestive health overall.

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