Butterfinger Cake Balls

There’s something magical about the combination of cake, chocolate, and Butterfingers. Brace yourself for a mouthwatering experience with our Butterfinger Cake Balls recipe. In just a few simple steps, you’ll create a treat that’s not only delicious but also a crowd-pleaser.


Ingredient Quantity
Yellow cake mix 1 box
Chocolate frosting 1 tub
Milk chocolate chips 1 large bag
Butterfingers bars 3-4 large bars, crumbled


  1. Bake the Yellow Cake:
    • Prepare the yellow cake mix according to the instructions on the box.
    • Once baked, allow the cake to cool until it’s mostly cooled.
  2. Crumble the Cake:
    • Crumble the cooled yellow cake into a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add Chocolate Frosting:
    • Stir in the chocolate frosting until it is completely combined with the crumbled cake. This will create a dough-like consistency.
  4. Shape into Balls:
    • Roll the cake and chocolate mixture into small balls. For easy handling, you can insert toothpicks into each ball.
  5. Freeze the Balls:
    • Place the shaped cake balls in the freezer for 1-2 hours. This helps them firm up and makes the dipping process easier.
  6. Melt the Chocolate:
    • Melt the milk chocolate chips using a microwave or a double boiler until smooth.
  7. Dip the Cake Balls:
    • Dip each frozen cake ball into the melted chocolate, ensuring an even coating.
  8. Top with Butterfingers:
    • Immediately after dipping, dip the tops of the chocolate-covered cake balls into the crumbled Butterfingers.
  9. Dry on Wax Paper:
    • Place the coated cake balls on wax paper, with the candy side down, allowing them to dry for at least an hour.
  10. Enjoy:
    • Once dried, your Butterfinger Cake Balls are ready to be enjoyed! Share them with friends and family or savor the deliciousness on your own.

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